SIC SA launch of Cuir Invest, the first investment fund specialised in the leather sector

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CUIR INVEST is the first investment fund created to offer long-term support to the most promising young innovative companies in French and European leather sectors. The leather industry, notably the tannery, leather goods and footwear sectors, helps to promote France’s image around the world as the embodiment of French savoir-faire. But it is not only a question of image, powerfully driven by the leading luxury houses; the French leather sector is also an important economic force.

28 de agosto de 2019

More than ever, the automation generated by technology, the digital transformation, customization, environmental sustainability, transparency and the circular economy, as well as marketing and communication, are major agents for change.

It is with this in mind, to play our part in driving the dynamism of the sector and preparing for the great challenges of tomorrow, that CUIR INVEST seeks to offer financial support to visionary entrepreneurs and boost the growth of labels or companies with strong potential. 

CUIR INVEST will invest an initial ticket of between 100 000 and 500 000 euros in companies that have found their market and proven their concept. The Funds plans to build a portfolio of around a dozen participants.

The areas of interest for CUIR INVEST are as follows: 

Materials / product innovations 
Alternative, technical and smart materials, traceability issues, recycling and upcyclingg

Distribution / Client experience platforms
Marketplaces, e-commerce, platforms, social media, pop-ups, crowdfunding and co-creation, augmented reality, virtual reality

Production / Processes / Value chain
3D modelling, prototype development and printing, automation, robotics, “blockchain” type solutions, logistic optimisation solutions, storage and shipping. 

Labels / DNVB (Digital Native Vertical Brands) in the footwear and leather goods sectors.
Created by the French leather sector, this Fund is operated by its commercial branch, SIC SA -Société Internationale du Cuir, in collaboration with the management firm Auriga Partners.

Frank Boehly, CEO of SIC SA : « The global leather industry is currently undergoing large-scale and rapid change. Many SMEs in the French leather sector have the potential for developing very promising technology. It is these companies that, in the future, will maintain France in its position as the fourth largest exporter in the world. For these companies, the question of financing is crucial. Cuir Invest, the first investment fund for the leather sector, will support this dynamic, strengthening the financial balance and the sustainability of these fledgling companies.. »



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